As I said in the previous post, I was inspired to pick up the ole' quill (or tap on the ole' keyboard) again because my friend CO started blogging. She was inspired because she wants to make some changes in her life (52 of them, once per week for a year...) you can check out her journey here: She is much more ambitious with change. She often states that if it is not big, dramatic and all the way at once that she will not do it. I am a little more gradual with change... I like to dip a big toe in, see how it feels, go slowly and figure I'll get there someday. If it feels uncomfortable, I won't continue. I like to trick myself into changing, make it so gradual that I can deny it's even happening. This is why it has taken me the last 17 years or so to exercise even 2 or 3 times per week.
I currently am in a yoga phase, I'm trying to do 20 minutes of yoga, 3-5 times per week. The reason I do this is to stave off age-related decline. I have a pact with a couple of friends that we won't let ourselves end up in a nursing home, drooling and being alone. We plan to have a senior- hippie commune, where we travel and exercise and cook and terrorize the young men that we will eventually hire to do the yardwork... I don't ever want to have to use a motorized scooter to get around, not until I'm 100 anyway.
I also am trying to drink more green tea, because it is so good for you. Unfortunately, while I love regular orange pekoe (Tetley please...) I tend to not like other teas, herbal or green. I'm trying to choke this stuff down for the good of my health, until I jump onto some other health related, life extending bandwagon....
or scooter.
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